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Residential Pest Control

Eradicate Pest Control LLC. offers a variety of pest control Services from 1 X Services, Monthly, Bi-Monthly and Quarterly Services.
Call us to find out which services will suit you best. Eradicate Pest Control LLC. provides you with an integrated pest management program which helps in eliminating pest before they enter your home.
Eradicate Pest Control LLC. utilizes the latest insecticides which are biodegradable and practically odorless. Eradicate Pest Control LLC. always keeps your safety in mind.
Now servicing in Wall Pest Control Systems! We are also insured and licensed by the Texas Department of Agriculture.

Wood Destryoing Insect Reports

Real Estate transactions:
We offer inspections and reports that are needed for the transactions of real estate.
These reports of inspections are performed by a certified applicator that is licensed through the Texas Dept. of Agriculture.

Termite and Pest Control

Termite Control

Post- Construction, Pre-Construction, Bora Care treatments which are performed at the dry stage of construction. Treatment is of the wood members/sill plates.

Commercial Pest Control

Commercial services are designed to meet specific needs of each individual location. Here are a few of the types of accounts we service and are qualified to provide service to:
Nursing, Homes, Retail, Restaurants, Grocery, Offices, Apartments, Food Handling, Warehouse, Retirement Homes

Termite and Pest Control

The Bed Bug

The common bed bug (Cimex lectularius) has long been a pest, feeding on blood, causing itchy bites and generally irritating their human hosts.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) all consider bed bugs a public health pest.
However, unlike most public health pests, bed bugs are not known vectors for the transmission and spread of diseases.
If you think you might have or have Bed Bugs, Look to us for the eradication/control of this pest.


It's that time of the year! Get those unwanted critters out of your home. Rats, Opossums, Raccoons, Ringtails.

  Are you hearing scratching, chewing, gnawing, clawing in your walls/ceiling? Have your attic space inspected. It could be one of these rodents causing all sorts of damage.